Become a Member

Membership Classes

Our members comprise of both First Nation and non-First Nation companies operating in Northern Ontario.

The ABPA is structured with the following three classes of members and annual membership rates:

Anishnawbe Business Members

(Must be at least 51% Anishnawbe owned and controlled)

  • $250 Annual Fee, 10 employees or less
  • $250 Annual Fee, Non-profit corporation
  • $500, First Nation Community Economic Development Corporation
  • $750 Annual Fee, 11 employees or more

Associate Business Members (Non-Anishnawbe)

  • $750 Annual Fee,10 employees or less, and/or Non-Profit Organization/Charity
  • $1,875 Annual Fee, 10 to 1,999 employees
  • $3,750 Annual Fee, 2,000 to 4,999 employees
  • $5,625 Annual Fee, 5,000 to 9,999 employees
  • $7,500 Annual Fee, 10,000 or more employees

Associate Student Members

  • $50, Enrolled in a secondary or post-secondary education institute

New Member Registration

Membership Benefits:

  • Information we provide information sessions and networking events targeting relevant topics and projects for business expansion in Northern Ontario.
  • Guidance we develop best practices for major First Nations development projects and non-First Nations businesses related to procurement policies and human resource polices focused on inclusion.
  • Enhanced communications members will have better access to economic buyers and key decision makers in Northern Ontario through our business directory and special events and conferences.
  • VIP Privileges members will be the first to know about special discounts on all events and access to new programs for doing business in Northern Ontario.

Business Success

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