Ginoogaming First Nation

Jason Rasevych

301-9 Regent Street
Thunder Bay

Fax: 807-700-1446
Jason Rasevych is an accomplished economic and business development professional with over 15 years of experience working with First Nations, community economic development corporations and various government departments. He specializes in strategic planning, infrastructure development, business start up and turn around, proposal development, and project management. He has a proven track record for success and has secured more than $200 million for capital projects and community capacity building. He is leading mind behind many special projects including the largest infrastructure investment in Ontario’s history with over $69 million to extend broadband fibre optics to 5 remote First Nations. Jason led in the negotiations with the MNRF for a historic agreement that allowed three area First Nations to takeover forest management of the Ogoki Forest. Jason is a GInoogaming First Nation Band Member and has Oji-Cree ancestry. In 2015 he was invited to the Mayan International Conference in Guatemala to provide shareholder advocacy strategies to remote Indigenous tribes from Central and Latin America. This re-kindled a life-long passion for working towards government and corporate adoption of the United Nations Declaration of Indigenous Peoples and the Free Prior Informed Consent Principles. Jason has been appointed on several boards including the Nishnawbe Aski Development Fund (NADF), Ginoogaming First Nation Timber Claim Trust, Native Camp Operators Alliance, and the Canadian Institute of Marketing. He was also invited to the Ontario Power Authority Remote First Nations Transmission Planning Committee, Nishnawbe Aski Nation (NAN) Regional Economic Strategic Planning Committee, Oshki Wen-Jack Business Advisory Committee, and the Assembly of First Nations (AFN) task force for Natural Resources Development. Jason is determined to assist First Nations to advance their socio-economic position and raise the quality of life of their peoples.
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