Gencity Inc.

Steven McCoy

344 Patrick Street
Sault Ste Marie

Gencity Inc. is a 100% Indigenous owned company and has been in operation since 2018. Gencity Inc. provides a full-suite of marketing, communications, business and consulting services for clients across the country and globe.

Some current and past clients who utilized various services from Gencity Inc. include: Robinson Huron Treaty Litigation Fund, Robinson Huron Waawindamaagewin, Z’Gamok Construction LP, Canadian Tire, Ontario First Nations Economic Developers Association, Sault College, CANDO, Mushkegowuk Health Council, Ontario Regional Chiefs Roseanne Archibald and Isadore Day, Batchewana First Nation and Netmizaaggamig Nishnaabeg First Nation.

Services include website design and management, social media management, brand development, market research, events management, strategic planning, speech writing, ghost writing, Indigenous liaison and business consulting. Learn more by visiting

In addition, Gencity Inc’s CEO, Steven McCoy, is an experienced public speaker available for keynote speaking, motivational speaking, master of ceremonies, panel participant, workshop facilitator and public speaking training for professionals of all kinds. Learn more by visiting
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