
The Anishnawbe Business Professional Association (ABPA) is a non-profit, member-based organization with an office in Thunder Bay, Ontario. The ABPA primarily serves the First Nation business community and develops and expresses positions on business issues and other public issues relevant to First Nation business, on behalf of its members.

We provide a forum for the First Nation business community to develop policies and programming which contribute to the socio-economic well-being and quality of life of First Nations peoples in Northern Ontario. We also serve non-First Nation businesses by providing information, guidance, and access to a wide-ranging network through events and sponsorship.


Anishnawbe Business Success


To enhance the opportunities for Anishnawbe Business in Northern Ontario through advocacy, education, leadership, and strategic relationships.


  • Integrity
  • Idealism
  • Courage
  • Honesty
  • Trustworthy
  • Self-Discipline
  • Accountability to Self and Others
  • Dedication to Others

What we do – our key focus areas:


Be ambassadors and the progressive voice of the First Nation business community by actively promoting our Anishnawbe business membership as an essential part of the overall economy.


Create a collaborative and inclusive network that encourages members to strategically establish relationships and reduce economic leakage in First Nations through awareness, education and business development.


Assist our members to realize their potential through access to market information to encourage First Nation business participation in Northern Ontario. To provide members with key information and guidance in procuring contracts and pursuing opportunities.


Be a trusted facilitator and business incubator through resources for education, programs and access to financing that foster the development and growth of our members.

About our logo

The Anishnawbe Business Professional Association logo and visual identity was designed to convey a strong message of an awakening that is occurring in the Northern Ontario First Nation business community. The howling wolf represents the strong voice of the First Nation business community behind the background of a moon shaped like the Canadian Dollar (Loonie) representing the currency of mainstream economy activity. The wolf is strategic, assertive and confident; so too is the ABPA which seeks, not only inclusion, but a formidable and transformative presence in the overall economy for Anishnawbe business.

About the use of ‘Anishnawbe’ in the wordmark

Anishnawbe refers to indigenous peoples in Northern Ontario. It also refers to the good humans, meaning those who are on the right road or path given to them by the Creator Gitche Manitou, or Great Spirit. The term’s literal translation is Beings Made Out of Nothing. In the business context the ABPA is promoting the concept of being Self-Made individuals in the awareness and education of entrepreneurship for First Nations in Northern Ontario.

Business Success

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